Sunday, August 19, 2012

Print and Read

The most important advice I can give on the topic of self-editing is to print your work. Today, I will print my proposal (first three chapters and synopsis - in this case 3 synopses) and take it to the cafe at Barnes and Noble. When I read through it, I'll mark any changes needed. I'll be looking at all aspects of writing, but mainly I'll be checking to make sure enough details are there to give the chapters sparkle, to make it come alive. Later, I'll use the hard copy to alter the original on the computer.

Done? No. I'll go through this process at least two more times and I'll read it aloud at least once. Reading your work from the printed page and reading it aloud helps find those mistakes your mind often skips over when reading from a monitor.

Why did I include a picture of a sundae? That is what you can give yourself when you are finally done.

Until next week,
happy writing!
Tina Swayzee McCright

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